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7 Most Common Money Mistakes for Startups to Avoid

7 Most Common Money Mistakes for Startups to Avoid

Smart financial management is essential for any business, no matter how big or small. However, it can be difficult to get things right, especially during the startup stage. Poor financial planning is one of the most common reasons that startups fail, so the sooner you take ownership of your business’ financial health, the better. Dealing with your finances head-on from the get-go is the best way to set yourself up for lasting success. Careful planning can help you to avoid common money mistakes and shows potential investors that you’re serious. Here are the most common financial mistakes that startups make and how to avoid them.

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7 Useful Finance Tips for Small Businesses

7 Useful Finance Tips for Small Businesses

Good financial health is crucial for any business, and this starts with careful financial management. However, many small business owners feel overwhelmed and continue to put off the task of dealing with their finances. Tempting though it is, this approach won’t set your business in good stead for the future. It’s important to take charge of your finances today in order to ensure the financial health of your company for years to come. Good financial management always pays off, so follow these useful tips to strengthen your small business.

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5 Useful Motivation Tips for Solopreneurs

5 Useful Motivation Tips for Solopreneurs

Working for yourself sounds great in the beginning but many solopreneurs soon discover that giving up the day job isn’t always as glamorous as it seems. Loneliness and a lack of motivation eventually in creep and you might even find yourself missing your 9-5 more than you thought possible. However, you went into business by yourself for a reason and lost motivation can always be found again. It’s important to mentally prepare yourself for these bumps in the road and understand how to motivate yourself to keep moving, even when the going gets tough. Here are some top tips on staying motivated as a solopreneur.

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Three Tips for Improving Your Organisational Skills

Three Tips for Improving Your Organisational Skills

Everyone who wants to run a business or manage a team has to develop excellent organisational skills. And sometimes, organisational skills and time management are more important than knowledge.

Such skills are not something you’re born with, either. In fact, everyone can improve their organisational skills with a little practice. Here’s how you can practise and improve those skills.

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How Accountants Can Save Your Business a Fortune

How Accountants Can Save Your Business a Fortune

Accounting is a crucial part of every business, from small boutiques to multinational corporations. You can’t ignore your accounts, and doing so for even a short period of time can damage your business. However, accounting is complicated, and mistakes can be costly. Hiring a professional accountant can save you a huge amount of time and money, which are often one and the same. Let’s take a look at how hiring an accountant can benefit your business.

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7 Reasons to Use Online Accounting Software

7 Reasons to Use Online Accounting Software

The days of pencils and paper are over. Almost everything is done online now, and accounting is no exception. Online accounting software has a number of benefits for your business and you should set it up as soon as possible to set yourself in good stead for financial success. Many people debate the benefits of accounting software vs human accountants but it’s actually helpful to use both. Here’s how online accounting software can benefit your business.

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How to Use Content to Start Conversations with Potential Customers

How to Use Content to Start Conversations with Potential Customers

It’s no secret that content is king when it comes to digital marketing. We know that blog posts, videos, infographics and the like are the best way to get in front of your target audience and establish yourself as an expert in your industry. However, many people aren’t using content strategically enough. The main purpose of content is to start conversations and build relationships with customers, so let’s take a look at how you can leverage your best material to start conversations that lead to sales.

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